While purchasing  a new camera or smartphone, we’ve probably heard the term “megapixel”. Basically, it’s a way to quickly describe a camera’s resolution based on the number of pixels it’s capable of capturing.

One megapixel refers to one million pixels, which are small squares of information that combine to make up an image. So, if a camera has a resolution of eight megapixels, it would be able to capture images with about eight million tiny squares of information per inch.

Most smartphone brands usually refer to their device’s megapixel count when discussing their photo quality — and newer phone models typically come with improved cameras that feature more megapixels.For example moto g5s plus comes with the dual 13 megapixel rear cameras.

The quality of a camera is greatly influenced by the sensor quality, not only by its Megapixel resolution. In addition to this, the quality of the lenses that you use play an essential role, and even more when you handle more Megapixels. So you may find a camera or smartphone which, having less Megapixels, but with a better sensor and better lenses, gets clearer images than other cameras with more Megapixels.

Basically, if you use a worse camera and worse lenses with more Megapixels, you will have more worse quality pixels. Or what is the same, if you already have a good camera or smartphone, do not worry if a new model has just been released, your photos are not going to have much less quality.


Advantages of having more Megapixels

At this point, it will be a little clerarer that more Megapixels does not mean more quality. But, having the same photo quality, does having more Megapixels offer any additional advantage? 

One of the practical advantages is that sometimes you will want to use only a part of an image. In this situation, even if you crop the picture and you only take a smaller part of it, you will continue having enough number of pixels to print with a large size.

But remember, as written above, that more megapixels does not mean more quality. 

now a higher megapixel does mean that the image that you click will be sharper with a good amount of detail. but that doesn't make it a great camera, because there are other elements that work in order to achive the image in the end .

These are
1. The lens
2. The image sensor
3. The image signal processor 

Will discuss these elements in the next blog update.

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