How to click good photos ?
When we click photos on phones, there are
certain things we kept in mind like
1. need for flash
2. the natural light coming during clicking
3. need
for zooming1. need for flash
2. the natural light coming during clicking
4. use of HDR feature
5. keeping camera steady
6. shooting in the
portrait mode for keeping blurred backgrounds
7. experimenting with different
perspectives for more unique images
8. and there are many more
8. and there are many more
In this update, we will see some of the basic techniques
and tricks by which we
can improve our photography skills up to a good extent
1. Clean the lens for crystal clear photos
Your mobile phone
spends a lot of time in your hands, as well as your hands or pocket. this leads
to camera lens get covered in dirt, dust, and fingerprints.
a dirty lens will
leave dust spots, smudges on your photos and that won't look good. for crystal
clear photos, make sure you clean your phone's lens regularly.
2. Set the focus to ensure your subject is always
Sometimes your
camera's autofocus doesn't always focus where you want it to. To ensure your
subject is always in sharp focus, you'll need to set a focus point manually.
3. Avoid shaking of a phone while clicking a photo
Camera shake when
taking pictures is very overlooked even on large cameras.
the key to fix this is
to practice how you hold your phone.
Hold it horizontal at
all times instead of vertical. This gives you a wider frame.
Try burst mode when
snapping pictures of moving objects.
4. Don't bother about quantity take another shot
Snap away at anything
that suits your fancy
the more photos you
shoot, the more comfortable you will get and more you will
determine the
direction you would like to take your mobile photography.
The only thing holding
you back is how much storage is on your phone and how long your battery
5. Applications
Mobile photography is
awesome because of the thousands of apps that are
dedicated to the camera on smart phones.
These apps are
incredibly helpful in editing your work. While you can't correct problems like
bad lighting, you can improve other details to make a subject look acne-free,
sharpen specific aspects of an image or let you add interesting text or other
effects over the photo.
find your favourite
learn to use it well, and you can take your already awesome image onto the next
6.crop it
Sometimes things happen quickly and you
need to react instantly to get the shot
without getting time
to compose.
so shoot wider then
you need and crop. the right crop can change or enhance the context of the
Regards from PandT
More stuffs in the upcoming updates.
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